We're looking for Blog Contributors & Partners

Life is better with lots of partners, so we're opening up to volunteer guest bloggers & contributors who want to share their poly stories

Last updated:
December 19, 2023
Contributed by:
Jessie Rushing
Do you have a story about your journey in ethical non-monogamy or polyamory that you think could help the community and want to share?

Calling Poly Content Creators

Are you a content creator in the polyamorous or non-monogamous space? Because we’re looking for volunteer guest blog authors and contributions that we can feature on our site. 

This is not a call for sponsored partnerships, although we would be open to discussing one of those too if you have something of value that you are looking to promote to our growing audience. This is a call for volunteer contributors who would like a chance to get their writing published on our site, and have valuable non-monogamous insights to share. 

Share about your favorite self care rituals, or healthy coping mechanisms

Guest Bloggers & Authors Experienced in Polyamory

Our mission is to bring all kinds of resources to the entire community of individuals practicing CNM/ENM. Are you full of excellent tips & tricks for juggling calendar overwhelm, or have you always wanted to create a tutorial that would teach someone how to improve their nonmono online dating profile? We want to be a hub for the knowledge, information, tools, and supplies that we all need as members of this community. 

Passion for ENM/CNM

Just Poly Things is a passion project being developed for and by individuals who identify as members of a wider community that practices polyamory or other forms of non-monogamy. We need passionate individuals like yourself to contribute so that we can share the most love and provide the most value. We want to feature a lot of different perspectives, and viewpoints, but that can’t happen if all of our content is just written by me. When you see the word “we” all over this site, and in that previous sentence, I’m referring to myself, my partners, and the voices in my head that tell me to keep building this for all of us. 

If you are a blogger or author who wants to get published on the topic of non-monogamy, we want to help you share your thoughts and opinions. Writing for JustPolyThings can help to build your brand, because of course we are open to cross sharing all the links. 

Tell others about the tools, supplies, or items that changed how you navigate non-monogamy 

Perhaps you know someone who would make a great poly blogger, or has a really exceptional open relationship story, and want to share this page with them so that they can share their story with the world. Please submit your ideas by Sliding into our DMs today!

Brighten someone's day with your most hilarious story full of poly-joy and shenanigans

ENM Guest Blog Guidelines

While we’re excited to feature content from voices across the entire community, here are some guidelines of what we are and aren’t looking for when it comes to guest blog contributions. 

Good Non-monogamous Guest Blog Ideas

  • We’d love to hear your tips & tricks, or other ways that helped you out when you were getting started.
  • You have a funny story, or an example of a unique case where you and your partners navigated a difficult situation, and you have consent to share it. 
  • An issue you recognize and want the community to commit to change (like sexism, racism, ableism, etc).
  • You bought something from this site, or tried a specific product or service marketed toward nonmonogamous people and want to tell us about your experience.

Guest Blogs We Don’t Want

  • Your unpopular opinion on why unicorn hunting is good (or bad), or anything that virtue signals to others about “HOW” they should be practicing non-monogamy. Just Poly Things believes that everybody being fully aware of and consenting to non-monogamy is the important part. So long as that consent is freely given, fully informed, enthusiastic & revocable, and specific then we’re not here to yuck someone else’s yum. Ethics can be debatable, but CONSENT IS NOT. We're not going to tell you that vetos are right or wrong, or that only being open to swinging isn't free-love enough, we're here to celebrate everyone who has decided that traditional monogamy is not for them, and is being honest with all of their partners about that choice even if you might be reading this in a "closet".

Nonmonogamy Guest Blog Requirements

  • Minimum of 1000 words
  • 100% your original words, no plagiarism or AI generated content
  • Cover a topic that is of interest to the CNM/ENM or polyamorous audience thoroughly, and from the perspective of your own personal experience or expertise
  • Must appeal to a diverse global audience that leans heavily to the LGBTQIA+ experiences with use of inclusive language, and consider intersectionality when appropriate. 

Guest Blog Ts & Cs

The following Terms and Conditions explain our policies for accepting and publishing guest blog posts. This policy is effective as of December 1, 2023.

  1. Any images you include or provide must be your own copyrighted originals, and you agree to allow JustPolyThings to compress or optimize those images for the internet. 
  2. If quoting others, you must correctly cite the source.
  3. Guest posts must be your own original work and may not contain duplicated content, plagiarism or copyright infringement. You agree to grant JustPolyThings exclusive and perpetual use of your original work.
  4. You agree that JustPolyThings may edit your post before or after it has been published. 
  5. Guest blog posts can not include 3rd party affiliate links, sponsored content, or advertisements. Only author backlinks are permitted.  
  6. JustPolyThings can provide product links and keywords based on the topic that you indicate you would like to cover. Any affiliate links added to a guest blog will use JustPolyThings tracking codes and no monetary compensation is or will be provided to guest bloggers. 
  7. JustPolyThings does not offer any compensation for writing guest posts, nor do we guarantee any particular amount of traffic, views, or audience reach. 
  8. JustPolyThings reserves the right to refuse publication or remove a guest post without prior notice to the post’s contributor or author(s).
  9. By providing a guest post to JustPolyThings, you agree that you are in no way a representative or employee of the website or parent company of JustPolyThings.com
  10. Guest post contributors are welcome and encouraged to share links to their posts on their social media or other platforms, as well as agree to allow JustPolyThings to share or promote guest posts on our social media accounts and other platforms. 

Send us your CNM Guest Post Idea

Head over to our Contact page and scroll down to the main contact form if you’d like to submit an idea for a guest blog post. If you don’t want to write a whole blog, but you still have a great product, tool, or idea to share, we have a form for that too, and it’s the first thing you’ll see on our Contact page, with the title, Slide into our DMs. You can use either form on that page to share your favorite poly things with us!

If you like the idea of this site and want to see us stick around, there are many different ways to support us. Share, Comment, and Like our posts on insta or facebook. Read our Buying Guides, Product Reviews, and lists of Must Have poly things. Contribute your own ideas by writing a guest blog post, or just telling us about your favorite poly things. And of course, buy things from our links, but only if you want to!

Product(s) Mentioned:

There are no products mentioned.
Jessie Rushing
Jessie has been practicing solo-polyamory since 2014, and is this site's glorious and illustrious founder. When not building JustPolyThings.com she enjoys building other websites, trail running, and hosting polycule play parties.

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