Multiamory: Essential Tools for Modern Relationships

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The authors of Multiamory, a podcast about non-traditional relationships, realized that existing relationship advice was inadequate for modern relationships. They developed their own communication tools and compiled them into this book, to help readers improve their communication and create healthy relationships.


  • Provides a curated collection of popular communication tools and advice from the Multiamory podcast.
  • Offers practical strategies for improving communication and creating healthy relationships.
  • Describes unique tools for resolving conflicts and reconnecting after arguments.


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March 8, 2024

Why should you read Multiamory: Essential Tools for Modern Relationships?

The authors of Multiamory, Dedeker Winston, Emily Sotelo Matlack, and Jase Lindgren, discovered a lack of suitable relationship tools and advice for non-traditional relationships like polyamory. They decided to create their own resources by researching evidence-based relationship advice and using their own experiences. This led to the development of their book, Multiamory: Essential Tools for Modern Relationships, which offers communication tools and advice that have helped numerous listeners improve their relationships. The book includes techniques such as the Triforce of Communication, Microscripts, Repair SHOP, and regular RADAR check-ins.

The authors of Multiamory noticed a gap in the available relationship advice that often comes from religious, academic, or mainstream sources, making it unapproachable for those in non-traditional relationships. In response, they spent years studying research, listening to personal stories, and inventing their own tools to fit modern relationships. Multiamory: Essential Tools for Modern Relationships is a collection of these tools and advice, offering guidance on how to effectively communicate, interrupt old patterns, process and reconnect after arguments, understand your unique processing style, and support the long-term health of all your relationships.

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